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Black is the new Green
what is our challenge?

the carbon in all its forms and applications!

sustainable advanced materials from the use of agricultural  and industry waste  creating value and new business models based on circular economy  

Use of industry waste in a sustainable and profitable way

We help our clients find new business opportunities from the recycling and recovery of materials and waste; creating high value products such as green H 2 , biogas, biofuels, bioplastics / biopolymers, 3D carbonaceous structures, biographene, polyphenols, etc.

State-of-the-art materials for technology companies

Materials engineering manages to improve the performance of the product through changes or modifications of the material. We create composite biomaterials from biobased polymers, biographene, natural fibers, etc. We confer different properties to composite biomaterials such as resistance, conductivity, thermal stability, sensitivity to stimuli, hydro-thermo-photochromicity, photoluminescence, etc.

agro & industrial sectors


bagazo de cerveza


Alperujo, residuo almazaras


bagazo de ágave


residuos urbanos: plásticos


Otros tipos de biomasa


cáscaras de frutos secos

waste use

We believe in recycling and recovery as the basis for designing and manufacturing more sustainable products and making industrial processes more efficient.

materials engineering

We develop new materials, new functions. Eco-innovation, tests and quality

Materials engineering adds value to your product by improving its performance and incorporating new functions. In addition, it allows you to solve quality problems and predict possible failures. We create composite biomaterials from bioplastics, biographene, natural fibers, etc.
We confer different properties to composite biomaterials such as resistance, conductivity, thermoresistance, sensitivity to stimuli, hydro-thermo-photochromicity, photoluminescence, etc.

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technology sectors

Carbonaceous 3D and allotropic structures of carbon, biographene. Polymeric Materials & Coatings, for Energy Storage. High performance composite biomaterials. 

our typical R+D+i project

We manage CDTI grants

We analyze the waste from your activity and define the ideal process for the recovery of said by-products, establishing in turn which would be the ideal new products to establish in your value chain. We establish the technical proposal for  CDTI and collaborate in obtaining aid for R&D projects. If it is a collaborative project, we look for the necessary companies to complete national or international cooperation projects. In this case, it is essential to have companies, preferably finalist SMEs, that is, that use the final product or its elaborations for the B2B or B2C market.
Later we continue collaborating by carrying out the necessary proofs of concept and the scaling plan. We build with our partners the basic engineering project as well as the business plan. We help to find the necessary financing and, where appropriate, we get involved in the business.
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with the best laboratories,
technology and engineering centers

All our projects are based on rigorous analysis methods. Our researchers are PhD scientists and engineers with a high level of competence, with a relationship and presence in public and private technology centers and OPIs 


+34 913 267 729



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Faraday 7

28049 Madrid

Fundación Parque Científico de Madrid

(Campus de Cantoblanco) 

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28020 Madrid - Spain

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